Read more about the article Best Medium for Learning Color? – Prismacolor Premiers
Have you ever used colored pencils that are as smooth as butter?

Best Medium for Learning Color? – Prismacolor Premiers

There are a plethora of mediums that you can use to add color to your work—the world is truly your oyster in the art arena. However, if you haven't played around with many mediums, the colored pencil is one of the easiest to pick up. It offers its user more control than some less predictable mediums (e.g. watercolors), and the semi-permanence of it allows room for mistakes. . .

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Read more about the article Learning Art as an Adult
If you touch her, you'll most certainly get burned.

Learning Art as an Adult

Especially as adults, it's mentally and emotionally challenging to begin something from square one. More specifically, it's difficult to admit to being genuinely bad at something when starting out. Young people make mistakes—it's inherent. Adults on the other hand, are supposed to have everything together. We have unlocked the secrets to succeeding in school and work (or at least being exceptionally average), that being genuinely bad at something has become a foreign concept—it's frustrating, disheartening, and it's unfortunately enough to make so many people quit before they see the slightest improvement in their work. . .

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