Read more about the article The Truth About Learning How to Draw – What No One Tells You
Let's address the elephant in the room. . .

The Truth About Learning How to Draw – What No One Tells You

Let's be real for a second here. What is it like to learn art as an adult? When you ask people how long they've been drawing for, they typically answer with "for as long as I can remember". And don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful thing to pick up on your creativity at a young age. . .

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Read more about the article “Why Am I Not Getting Better At Drawing?” – Building a Daily Drawing Habit
Time to build better art habits.

“Why Am I Not Getting Better At Drawing?” – Building a Daily Drawing Habit

Watching her sketch made me realize that I have leaps and bounds to go. I can't keep using my "beginner" status as an excuse to create sub par art; rather, I need to actively spend time every day to develop my skills and eye for the craft. . .

Continue Reading“Why Am I Not Getting Better At Drawing?” – Building a Daily Drawing Habit