Read more about the article Inktober 2018 — Making Time to do What You Love
What's the Inktober Challenge without the "challenge"?

Inktober 2018 — Making Time to do What You Love

In the spirit of keeping this space raw and real, the ugly truth is that this year's Inktober 2018 challenge was kind of a bust for me. However, I'm happy to announce that I beat my previous record of 5 days (impressive, I know). This year, I lasted about half the month. In all honesty, I've never been consistent with anything in my life aside from brushing my teeth and other basic hygiene practices. Though I will voice a common thought of those who also partially completed Inktober (whether you lasted 4 days, or 25) when you were consistent, I bet it felt exhilarating and intrinsically rewarding.

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Read more about the article Inktober 2018 — Building Habits as a Beginner Artist
Any attempt at drawing hands is a successful one.

Inktober 2018 — Building Habits as a Beginner Artist

The last time I attempted the Inktober challenge, I lasted about 5 days. The year before that? Four. This year, I'm determined to create a piece of art every single day for the entire month—something that I have yet to accomplish since I began my art journey 2 years ago. It sounds like a simple challenge; create one ink piece of art each day for the month of October. Easy peasy. . . right? . . .

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