Read more about the article Practicing Composition – Painting and Entire Scene (for once)
Attempts aren't always successful . . .

Practicing Composition – Painting and Entire Scene (for once)

This experience was most definitely an interesting one. When drawing characters, I typically stray away from backgrounds—mainly because I have no clue where to even begin. But at one point, drawing a floating character on the middle of a page no longer makes the cut. It was about time to step up my art game, and experimentation makes up a large part of this. I initially drew out a thumbnail of characters from each of the zodiac signs. This scene in particular is of a Taurus on a treasure hunt.

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Read more about the article “Why Am I Not Getting Better At Drawing?” – Building a Daily Drawing Habit
Time to build better art habits.

“Why Am I Not Getting Better At Drawing?” – Building a Daily Drawing Habit

Watching her sketch made me realize that I have leaps and bounds to go. I can't keep using my "beginner" status as an excuse to create sub par art; rather, I need to actively spend time every day to develop my skills and eye for the craft. . .

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Read more about the article Learning Art as an Adult
If you touch her, you'll most certainly get burned.

Learning Art as an Adult

Especially as adults, it's mentally and emotionally challenging to begin something from square one. More specifically, it's difficult to admit to being genuinely bad at something when starting out. Young people make mistakes—it's inherent. Adults on the other hand, are supposed to have everything together. We have unlocked the secrets to succeeding in school and work (or at least being exceptionally average), that being genuinely bad at something has become a foreign concept—it's frustrating, disheartening, and it's unfortunately enough to make so many people quit before they see the slightest improvement in their work. . .

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