Read more about the article Growing as an Artist – Talk to the Hand
Fries with a side of sass, please.

Growing as an Artist – Talk to the Hand

It's a great feeling to look back at your old artwork and see general improvement when you compare it to the newer pages of your sketchbook; however, it's absolutely exhilarating to acknowledge your growth in so many different areas while you're in the midst of creating an illustration. This is one of the latest pages in my sketchbook, and although simple, shows how far I've come as an aspiring artist.

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Read more about the article Creating Art with Personality – Pernille Ørum Artist Spotlight
Bright, distinct, fun. . . Pernilleoerum is not an artist you want to challenge ;)

Creating Art with Personality – Pernille Ørum Artist Spotlight

Bold. Daring. Vivid. Clean. These are just a few of the adjectives that I'd use to describe Pernille Orum's artwork. Pernille's character designs are very distinct. Her style is reminiscent of high-quality 2D animation; her use of colors and shading are bold and flat; and her color selection is flawlessly harmonious. . . Whether it's a quirk of an eyebrow to the way a character's arms are positioned, Pernille's character designs project subtle mannerisms that speaks wonders. . .

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Read more about the article Learning to Become Creative – Creativity as a Skill
Everyone has some semblance of a creative spirit—sometimes it just takes a little push.

Learning to Become Creative – Creativity as a Skill

There are some incredibly talented people on this planet. They seem to have an inherent sense of creativity. It lives in them, and was reinforced in them during their childhood through being fed countless words of encouragement. Most artists have been practicing their craft since as long as their memories serve. Ask any illustrator you know when they started drawing—they likely won't be able to pinpoint an exact moment in time since it has always been a part of their life. . .

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