Read more about the article Artist Identity Crisis – “Why does my art style keep changing?”
Who am I? Where am I? . . . and more importantly, what kind of artist do I want to be?

Artist Identity Crisis – “Why does my art style keep changing?”

. . . I didn't feel 100% about my love for art, and was afraid to fully come to terms with what this experience meant. So before deciding to jump back into creativity, after what I labelled a moment of "artist block", I purchased a Parisian paint-by-numbers set and slowly chipped away at it. Note, that it's been about 3 months and I'm less than a quarter of the way through. . . 

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Read more about the article And the Inktober Fun Continues. . .
Are you hanging in there okay?

And the Inktober Fun Continues. . .

I'm convinced that 90% who've made it this far are bound to complete the entire challenge—I mean, we're already in so deep, it would be ludicrous to turn back now. So far, I say that Sketchtember made for major improvement in my ability to illustrate. Since I'm currently inking my sketching, the process is just making what already exists more permanent. Huevember, on the other hand, will be quite the adventure. Coloring isn't exactly my forte, so it'll be interesting to partake in the challenge.

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Read more about the article Attending a Local Painting Event – Becoming a Part of Your Local Art Community
Bringing together a ton of local antisocial artists is always a good idea. . .

Attending a Local Painting Event – Becoming a Part of Your Local Art Community

This was my first time stepping out of my university's sketch club and joining the wider art community at large. It was nice, and I felt personally rewarded in taking initiative to go on my own. There were a ton of prizes being given out, and I mean a ton. I'm surprised everyone didn't walk out with something. I certainly didn't. But it was fine because I created the following piece:

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Read more about the article Practicing Composition – Painting and Entire Scene (for once)
Attempts aren't always successful . . .

Practicing Composition – Painting and Entire Scene (for once)

This experience was most definitely an interesting one. When drawing characters, I typically stray away from backgrounds—mainly because I have no clue where to even begin. But at one point, drawing a floating character on the middle of a page no longer makes the cut. It was about time to step up my art game, and experimentation makes up a large part of this. I initially drew out a thumbnail of characters from each of the zodiac signs. This scene in particular is of a Taurus on a treasure hunt.

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Read more about the article Let the Inktober 2019 Fun Begin!
And away we go!

Let the Inktober 2019 Fun Begin!

. . . but unlike last year, this year my art development is climbing on my priority list. Hence why I've participated in Sketchtember, and currently partaking in Inktober, and will also hang in there until the bitter end of Huevember. My art has improved since the year prior, and for that I am insanely proud. Hard work most definitely pays off so long as you focus your energy on the things that you care about. Rather than posting from the first 3 days of #Inktober2019, I will share videos from my Inktober series on my YouTube channel . . .

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Read more about the article My Coming-of-Age Art Journey – From Right-Brained to Left (Part 2)
New year, new me.

My Coming-of-Age Art Journey – From Right-Brained to Left (Part 2)

For the first 20 years of my life, I managed to convince myself that I didn't have a single creative bone in my body. It just wasn't in me. Art just wasn't in me; nor was it something I'd ever wish to become decent at. So based on this context, being inspired to draw based on Miraculous Ladybug fan art definitely seems to have come out of nowhere. Emphasis on "seems".

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Read more about the article The PROPER Way to Use a Sketchbook – Allowing Yourself to Create Messy Art
Sometimes life is a little messy—just like art.

The PROPER Way to Use a Sketchbook – Allowing Yourself to Create Messy Art

Your sketchbook is a space for experimentation. It's a space for you to try out different mediums and styles until you decide what clicks. It's a way to test out ideas before you make your mark on a canvas or high-quality art paper. Sketchbooks are supposed to be messy. Now this is a mindset that took me two and a half years to grow into. I've come to realize that the better you become at art, the easier it is to give yourself permission to get down and dirty.

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Read more about the article “I Hate my Art” – Negative Views on Your Art Progression
The struggle is real. . .

“I Hate my Art” – Negative Views on Your Art Progression

. . . also, and I say this with all of the care in the world, you should never put down your art. Whether you created a piece a decade age, or 10 minutes ago, and regardless of whether it was a “good” or “bad” art day. Every piece represents a journey; an attempt, and a step forward in learning and growing.

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Read more about the article Growing as an Artist – Talk to the Hand
Fries with a side of sass, please.

Growing as an Artist – Talk to the Hand

It's a great feeling to look back at your old artwork and see general improvement when you compare it to the newer pages of your sketchbook; however, it's absolutely exhilarating to acknowledge your growth in so many different areas while you're in the midst of creating an illustration. This is one of the latest pages in my sketchbook, and although simple, shows how far I've come as an aspiring artist.

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