You are currently viewing Creating Art with Personality – Pernille Ørum Artist Spotlight
Bright, distinct, fun. . . Pernilleoerum is not an artist you want to challenge ;)

Creating Art with Personality – Pernille Ørum Artist Spotlight

Bold. Daring. Vivid. Clean.

These are just a few of the adjectives that I’d use to describe Pernille Orum‘s artwork.

Pernille’s character designs are very distinct. Her style is reminiscent of high-quality 2D animation; her use of colors and shading are bold and flat; and her color selection is flawlessly harmonious.

When Pernille illustrates a stand-alone character, she manages to capture their full personality. Whether it’s a quirk of an eyebrow to the way a character’s arms are positioned, Pernille’s character designs project subtle mannerisms that speaks wonders.

Pernille is an illustrator for later issues of the comic Hit-Girl Hollywood, which shows just how transferable her art style is to different mediums. In being a Lead Character Designer on many episodes of the web series DC Superhero Girls, she also has experience working in 2D animation. Based on her professional experience working ambitious media entertainment projects, it’s no surprise that her art style and skill are incredibly marketable.

Pernille is an huge inspiration, and definitely an artist that I look up to for so many reasons.

Her level of skill and success are incredibly impressive. I truly hope that those of you who discover Pernille Orum through this post enjoy her bold art style as well.

Overall, Pernille Oerum is inspiring on so many different levels. She has played a professional role in both modern animation and comics, while growing her online following. Additionally, she adds to the world of entertainment media, while pursuing her own ambitious art projects on the side. Pernille also has a few published art books showcasing her best work; her most recent title being Sparks: The Art of Pernille Orum. It’ll be released this July and is currently available for pre-order.

To end off this Artist Spotlight post with a bang, here are a few of Pernille Orum’s striking illustrations:

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