Read more about the article “Why Am I Not Getting Better At Drawing?” – Building a Daily Drawing Habit
Time to build better art habits.

“Why Am I Not Getting Better At Drawing?” – Building a Daily Drawing Habit

Watching her sketch made me realize that I have leaps and bounds to go. I can't keep using my "beginner" status as an excuse to create sub par art; rather, I need to actively spend time every day to develop my skills and eye for the craft. . .

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Read more about the article 2 Year Beginner Artist Progress – 2017 & 2018 Redraw
A series of redrawn illustrations that reflect my art growth.

2 Year Beginner Artist Progress – 2017 & 2018 Redraw

I write this post while looking back at some of my old pieces and seeing the level of improvement between them. This is a sketch I created near the start of my art journey—when I was at the transitional stage between copying other people's fan art in order to learn line placement (yes, this is where my art journey began), and creating some of my own characters and poses. This is it. I was a complete rookie in every way, shape, and form, but I loved this piece. And guess what? I still do. Not aesthetically, let's be real here. I love this piece for how it captures my development as an illustrator—and related to this, my will to power through. . .

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Read more about the article Finding Joy in Your Art – DrawingWiffWaffles Artist Spotlight
One of my favorite people on the World Wide Web (photo credit: DrawingWiffWaffles).

Finding Joy in Your Art – DrawingWiffWaffles Artist Spotlight

Aside from her killer personality being a defining factor, DrawingWiffWaffles' art style is unique—you can easily point out her work in a room full of illustrations. Rin sketches with the upmost flow and creativity, with her favored thing to illustrate being female characters in a cartoon-esque style. By filming her entire process from concept to color, she opens a door into what goes through an artist's mind as they create. . .

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Read more about the article Learning to Become Creative – Creativity as a Skill
Everyone has some semblance of a creative spirit—sometimes it just takes a little push.

Learning to Become Creative – Creativity as a Skill

There are some incredibly talented people on this planet. They seem to have an inherent sense of creativity. It lives in them, and was reinforced in them during their childhood through being fed countless words of encouragement. Most artists have been practicing their craft since as long as their memories serve. Ask any illustrator you know when they started drawing—they likely won't be able to pinpoint an exact moment in time since it has always been a part of their life. . .

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Read more about the article Best Sketchbook for Beginner Artists – Canson Mixed Media Sketchbook
Criteria for a solid beginner-level sketchbook: Durable, Affordable, & Versatile

Best Sketchbook for Beginner Artists – Canson Mixed Media Sketchbook

It took a while for me to find the perfect sketchbook for my skill level and most-used mediums—and keep in mind that your perfect sketchbook might have different properties. But if you are in a similar place as me, then a sketchbook that offers worlds of versatility is probably best. Especially if you compare this option to having a separate sketchbook for watercolors, markers, and ink, it's great to have all of your beginning working one place [...]

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Read more about the article Art That Teleports – Yao Yao Ma Van As Artist Spotlight
The type of art that just takes you somewhere else entirely~

Art That Teleports – Yao Yao Ma Van As Artist Spotlight

It takes an extremely powerful artist to capture so much in only one image. Yao Yao Ma Van As’ work is not only insightful, but it represents how the day-to-day can be presented in a way that is stunning and impactful. This artist captures the beauty of life, not matter how generic or mundane it may be. It reminds its audience that every person goes through their own unique routine—and in it lives a piece of them. No matter how plain and simple it seems to be, there’s a spark to it all.

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Read more about the article Inktober 2018 — Making Time to do What You Love
What's the Inktober Challenge without the "challenge"?

Inktober 2018 — Making Time to do What You Love

In the spirit of keeping this space raw and real, the ugly truth is that this year's Inktober 2018 challenge was kind of a bust for me. However, I'm happy to announce that I beat my previous record of 5 days (impressive, I know). This year, I lasted about half the month. In all honesty, I've never been consistent with anything in my life aside from brushing my teeth and other basic hygiene practices. Though I will voice a common thought of those who also partially completed Inktober (whether you lasted 4 days, or 25) when you were consistent, I bet it felt exhilarating and intrinsically rewarding.

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Read more about the article Artist Alley Adventures — FanExpo Vancouver
Step aside Disney, there's a new "happiest place on Earth".

Artist Alley Adventures — FanExpo Vancouver

. . . Artist Alleys—areas of an event solely dedicated to artists of various skill levels to display and sell their artwork in various forms—are fairly common in popular culture conventions as well. The amount of artwork showcased by local artists is a major appeal of many geek-culture conventions. . . Despite being unique and intriguing, fan art's value is a controversial topic within the artist community. Arguments against fan art frequently include the lack of originality of the work and it's impediment on Copyright regulations, as characters and/or settings showcased in fan art are not owned by the "fan artist". However, there's something truly inspiring about seeing artists recreate well-loved characters from their own perspectives and in their own styles.

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Read more about the article Inktober 2018 — Building Habits as a Beginner Artist
Any attempt at drawing hands is a successful one.

Inktober 2018 — Building Habits as a Beginner Artist

The last time I attempted the Inktober challenge, I lasted about 5 days. The year before that? Four. This year, I'm determined to create a piece of art every single day for the entire month—something that I have yet to accomplish since I began my art journey 2 years ago. It sounds like a simple challenge; create one ink piece of art each day for the month of October. Easy peasy. . . right? . . .

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