Read more about the article Best Medium for Learning Color? – Prismacolor Premiers
Have you ever used colored pencils that are as smooth as butter?

Best Medium for Learning Color? – Prismacolor Premiers

There are a plethora of mediums that you can use to add color to your work—the world is truly your oyster in the art arena. However, if you haven't played around with many mediums, the colored pencil is one of the easiest to pick up. It offers its user more control than some less predictable mediums (e.g. watercolors), and the semi-permanence of it allows room for mistakes. . .

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Read more about the article My Coming-of-Age Art Journey (Part 1) – Finding Inspiration
My art journey ~ beginning at the humble age of 20 years old.

My Coming-of-Age Art Journey (Part 1) – Finding Inspiration

Life is a funny lady. You think you know who you are and what you want, but then the beautiful mistress decides that it's the perfect time to smack you with a surprise. I was 20 years old when I fell into the pursuit of art as a hobby—hence the name of this blog. Before this, I didn't have anything I could really call a dedicated "pass time". The only thing that came close, if you detract the sense of learning and growth, was watching the latest and greatest of animated works. . .

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Read more about the article How to Meet Other Artists – The Importance of Joining an Art Community
10 points to anyone who understands where this reference is from.

How to Meet Other Artists – The Importance of Joining an Art Community

Joining an art community is detrimental when you're starting out in your creative venture. The connection that you develop with other creatives is such a powerful bond. Their encouragement is strong enough to deter you from giving up all together when you lack confidence in your work. And watching them work is encouraging enough to give you the confidence to create.

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Read more about the article Watching Your Art Improve – Secret Spot
Inspired by my secret spot on a Brazilian farm in the middle of nowhere.

Watching Your Art Improve – Secret Spot

Alone time is difficult to come by on the farm that I'm currently staying at. I share a room with my dad and brother, in a space that doesn't accommodate much outside of 3 beds and a dresser. My little cousins are also on holiday from school at the moment; hence, there are about 5 kids between the ages of 5-13 in this house at a given moment. Practicing art becomes quite difficult when children are constantly hovering over you while you're attempting to be creative—and even more difficult when they try to play with your limited (and expensive) art supplies, but I digress. . .

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Read more about the article “Why Am I Not Getting Better At Drawing?” – Building a Daily Drawing Habit
Time to build better art habits.

“Why Am I Not Getting Better At Drawing?” – Building a Daily Drawing Habit

Watching her sketch made me realize that I have leaps and bounds to go. I can't keep using my "beginner" status as an excuse to create sub par art; rather, I need to actively spend time every day to develop my skills and eye for the craft. . .

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Read more about the article 2 Year Beginner Artist Progress – 2017 & 2018 Redraw
A series of redrawn illustrations that reflect my art growth.

2 Year Beginner Artist Progress – 2017 & 2018 Redraw

I write this post while looking back at some of my old pieces and seeing the level of improvement between them. This is a sketch I created near the start of my art journey—when I was at the transitional stage between copying other people's fan art in order to learn line placement (yes, this is where my art journey began), and creating some of my own characters and poses. This is it. I was a complete rookie in every way, shape, and form, but I loved this piece. And guess what? I still do. Not aesthetically, let's be real here. I love this piece for how it captures my development as an illustrator—and related to this, my will to power through. . .

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Read more about the article Finding Joy in Your Art – DrawingWiffWaffles Artist Spotlight
One of my favorite people on the World Wide Web (photo credit: DrawingWiffWaffles).

Finding Joy in Your Art – DrawingWiffWaffles Artist Spotlight

Aside from her killer personality being a defining factor, DrawingWiffWaffles' art style is unique—you can easily point out her work in a room full of illustrations. Rin sketches with the upmost flow and creativity, with her favored thing to illustrate being female characters in a cartoon-esque style. By filming her entire process from concept to color, she opens a door into what goes through an artist's mind as they create. . .

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Read more about the article Learning to Become Creative – Creativity as a Skill
Everyone has some semblance of a creative spirit—sometimes it just takes a little push.

Learning to Become Creative – Creativity as a Skill

There are some incredibly talented people on this planet. They seem to have an inherent sense of creativity. It lives in them, and was reinforced in them during their childhood through being fed countless words of encouragement. Most artists have been practicing their craft since as long as their memories serve. Ask any illustrator you know when they started drawing—they likely won't be able to pinpoint an exact moment in time since it has always been a part of their life. . .

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Read more about the article Best Sketchbook for Beginner Artists – Canson Mixed Media Sketchbook
Criteria for a solid beginner-level sketchbook: Durable, Affordable, & Versatile

Best Sketchbook for Beginner Artists – Canson Mixed Media Sketchbook

It took a while for me to find the perfect sketchbook for my skill level and most-used mediums—and keep in mind that your perfect sketchbook might have different properties. But if you are in a similar place as me, then a sketchbook that offers worlds of versatility is probably best. Especially if you compare this option to having a separate sketchbook for watercolors, markers, and ink, it's great to have all of your beginning working one place [...]

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Read more about the article Art That Teleports – Yao Yao Ma Van As Artist Spotlight
The type of art that just takes you somewhere else entirely~

Art That Teleports – Yao Yao Ma Van As Artist Spotlight

It takes an extremely powerful artist to capture so much in only one image. Yao Yao Ma Van As’ work is not only insightful, but it represents how the day-to-day can be presented in a way that is stunning and impactful. This artist captures the beauty of life, not matter how generic or mundane it may be. It reminds its audience that every person goes through their own unique routine—and in it lives a piece of them. No matter how plain and simple it seems to be, there’s a spark to it all.

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